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Old 06-27-2013, 01:45 PM   #139
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Default Re: Texas Senate Filibuster Regarding Abortion

The "bundle of cells" argument is meant to illustrate that it's not yet "human" (with respect to utility constructs), even if it has all the necessary material genetically. It's a bad choice of words and I would encourage people to stop saying it, because even now, we're just bundles of cells and whatnot.

My general point is that until something becomes sentient, I don't think it's morally wrong to abort it. I've yet to see a single convincing argument to show otherwise. Every response I see is "Well, a fertilized egg will become a child eventually."

So what? Whether I abort it early or simply not have sex in the first place, either way I'm not taking sentience/utility away from something that has experienced it before, nor am I causing anyone pain.
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