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Old 06-27-2013, 01:33 PM   #138
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: Texas Senate Filibuster Regarding Abortion

I don't know why many pro-lifers pretend a fetus is less than it is.
I don't know why, under what many pro-lifers advocate, that if the father wanted to have a child but the mother didn't, that it's rightfully the mother's choice to abort it. (Given her health is safe and sex was consensual, etc.) A single father is just as capable of raising a kid as a single mother.
Abortion shouldn't be about the mother and her body and letting her do what she wants to it. It's about the fact that you're making a freaking person and it's growing inside a woman. It is not an unnecessary organ that's merely a bundle of cells, it's not like a tumor in a woman. Birth just happens to be a very easy, obvious landmark for when a person becomes an individual. Realistically, passing through a birth canal doesn't magically infuse sentience, life, a spirit, etc.
Abortion isn't something that people take lightly, and ideally any parent(s) who chooses to get an abortion should be well-informed about all their options and about the stages of the fetus' development. Closing abortion clinics would not help that goal. And as aldentron pointed out, abortion clinics double as women's sexual health clinics.

There are instances when I think it's cruel to not have an abortion, something like known, fatal diseases, where the baby will die, seemingly painfully, within a few months time. Some trisomies for instance.
Adoption for a kid from birth, in north American society at least, seems like it would always be an option, what with the number of couples who have problems conceiving. That's entirely speculation on my part though.
If adoption from birth isn't an option, and you know you're not going to be able to look after a child properly, that there's a good chance they'll end up in a bad foster system because you're, say, a drug addict, that's an instance where I'd seriously consider an abortion.
I mean, there are a number of other instances where I don't think abortion is the wrong choice, or where it could be the right choice.
But in general, I don't like the idea of abortion. It's highly selfish and borders on murder, but mainly I just dislike most pro-choicer's definitive stance that a fetus is 'merely a bundle of cells, therefore it's just a part of a woman and she has a right to remove it'. Realistically though, I'd guess most abortions are done on young women who are scared to let most people know they're pregnant, and who fear for their safety, livelihood and being an outcast.
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