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Old 06-18-2013, 04:36 PM   #7
U mirin'?
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reach View Post
Apparently Alon weighs like 190 lbs in that picture at 5'9. Probably not natural.

Jeff Seid is probably taking something because he manages to stay that lean all year round (yet doesn't grow. wth? Low dosage test and cruises on tren maybe? haha). Having gotten down to like, 6-7% at the peak of my cut, I can definitely say I don't know how you'd maintain that level of leanness. Plus he just won an IFBB pro card, meaning he beat a lineup of guys on gear.

I assume Ogus and Lavado are natural. Ogus documented his entire cut. Running something doesn't really make sense. Any AAS compounds would have cut him up way faster than he got lean. Plus he barely weighs 160 lbs which means no wet compounds in his history.
I'm not one who can spot a "non-natty" by being able to spot "hard, unnatural muscle," but Alon's one just looks a bit off compared to the others...if you know what I mean.

Jeff actually looks natty in the recent pics. I was really questioning his status because 1) he's so young and 2) he looked ridiculous in some of his other shoots (the gladiator one, for example), but he looks perfectly normal in these recent pictures. Though him winning the IFBB pro card is quite something...and can't comment on how difficult it is to hold onto muscle at such low body fat because I've never been there myself.

Like I said before, as long as Ogus and Lavado are pretty much confirmed natty, I'm fine. Though Rob Riches is my goal physique

And @Rubix:

Try following what I said over FB. Or help me find a job near you and we can be workout buddies
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