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Old 06-17-2013, 05:04 PM   #1
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Default TWG XCVI: The Challenge Board

Story for Night 1 available at a later date.

Originally Posted by Krauthammer View Post
TWG: The Challenge Board

TWG: The Challenge Board is a faction game with a twist. Instead of players being given powers with their roles, players are given the opportunity each night to select from among sixty single-use powers on "The Challenge Board". However, to use those powers, players must attempt to anticipate and circumvent their opponents' own choices. Like all TWGs, TWG: The Challenge Board rewards teamwork, critical thinking, and the ability to deceive. The winning team is the last faction standing.

The Roles Note: players aren't told who are their partners

King - Board choices cannot be blocked by Barons, Wizards, or Knights.
Baron - Can hold powers in reserve to use in a later phase. The reserved power can be used after death.
Wizard - Once in the game may select a greyed-out square from the board.
Knight - Once in the game may select two squares from the board.

King - Board choices cannot be blocked by Barons, Wizards, or Knights.
Baron - Can hold powers in reserve to use in a later phase. The reserved power can be used after death.
Wizard - Once in the game may select a greyed-out square from the board.
Knight - Once in the game may select two squares from the board.

King - Board choices cannot be blocked by Barons, Wizards, or Knights.
Baron - Can hold powers in reserve to use in a later phase. The reserved power can be used after death.
Wizard - Once in the game may select a greyed-out square from the board.
Knight - Once in the game may select two squares from the board.

King - Board choices cannot be blocked by Barons, Wizards, or Knights.
Baron - Can hold powers in reserve to use in a later phase. The reserved power can be used after death.
Wizard - Once in the game may select a greyed-out square from the board.
Knight - Once in the game may select two squares from the board.

The Board

Each night, each player may PM the host with the coordinates of a square of his choice and, if applicable, a target for the power it contains. If no other player selects that square, the player executes that power that night as indicated. If multiple players select the same square, those players "block" each other from choosing the square and none of those players gains the power that phase. However, the square remains on the board to be chosen in subsequent phases.

The Challenge Board is updated at the end of each night phase with what squares have been used (or "greyed-out"). Those squares may not be selected again in the game (except by the Wizard's single-use ability).

Notes on Squares:

Kill Target - Self-explanatory. Blocked by guarding but not Loose Cannon power.
Seer Target - Returns target player's team colour to user.
Paint Target - Permanently changes target's seered colour to colour of user's choice.
Guard Target - Blocks any kill attempts on target that night. Cannot be used on self unless indicated.
Revive Target - Revives target player. Cannot be used on living players (i.e. as a de facto guarding).
Brutal Self - Power can be held in reserve and activated at any time. If user is lynched, kills a random player who votes for him.
Charismatic Target - Power can be held in reserve and activated at any time. User's target's (or targets') daytime vote is worth +1/+2 as indicated.
Loose Cannon Self - If user is targeted by a power, player using that power is killed. Does not protect user from effects of that power.
Promote Target - "Levels up" target's board priority to King (if Baron/Wizard/Knight) or Deity (if King); Deities cannot be blocked by non-Deities.
Revoke Target - Target player's power use is nullified. Square is still consumed.
Mail Target - Host sends anonymous message from user to target at end of night.
Totem - Host posts anonymous message from user in end-of-night topic update.
The Medium power allows an user to create a 200-words message, directed to a dead player. Then that dead player may reply with a 200-words message, and the player who used the Medium power will receive it at the end of the day phase.

1. DarkManticoreX2
2. Zoshi
3. Vendetta21
4. yo man im awesome
5. Viccica
6. Sage of the Forest
7. Tps222
8. NetJet!
9. YoshL
10. dAnceguy117
11. James May
12. FoJaR
13. travman301
14. pokelda
15. Vote For Courtney!
16. CharlesClaythorne



Night 1 has started now. Night 1 will end in Wednesday 19th, at 8:00 PM EST

Questions may be asked in public or in PM

Last edited by Krauthammer; 06-19-2013 at 06:40 PM..
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