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Old 06-17-2013, 03:42 PM   #1545
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
Haha good to see you around, mnnicol. Those pics are amazing. :O

Unfortunately I've totally fallen off the wagon and I don't work out now or count calories, etc. Weight's still between 220-230, 30%+ bf. Womp womp womp.

I got frustrated because I basically had no idea wtf I was doing in the gym. It doesn't matter what guides I read: I had/have no confidence or certainty in anything I select, and so eventually I give up.

Tried getting a gym membership but quit after a couple months because I couldn't get past the feelings of self-consciousness (that and too many staff members there tried to sell me stuff all the time whenever I'd ask a question, and it got annoying). Squats were also the death of me. Hours of practice wasted: No matter what I tried I absolutely could not get the form right. Even with the bar alone (no extra weight) I couldn't pump out 8 reps, and yet it'd cripple my quads with absurd DOMS for four days straight.

I'd like to get back into it but my in-house gym is limited (shoulder incline bench, bicep curl, tricep pushdown, low row, lat pulldown, leg extension, leg curl, dumbbells), and I have absolutely no clue what a good workout routine would be for me. Any recs?
Consistency matters 100x more than knowing what you're doing.

I tried saying this so many times but - squats don't matter. Nothing really matters. The key is picking something you can do consistently and to keep doing it while making some changes to your diet.

You've just listed a bunch of exercises. Why don't you pick the ones you like, do them 3x a week and make some changes to your diet. And this time, no quitting

I mean, if you want to look like mnnicol, well, you can do all of the stuff we're doing but

If you just want to lose weight it's mostly consistency and exercise and diet.

don't know if any of you guys follow IceCreamFitness on Youtube
He's great

Got a good chuckle out of his more recent video on mr. biolayne and his obvious use of supplementary supplements

For the record, you already have a pretty sick physique :P Just finished a cut myself, got incredibly lean. Only sitting at around 170.5 right now though.

Last edited by Reach; 06-17-2013 at 03:48 PM..
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