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Old 06-17-2013, 02:06 PM   #420
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Default Re: Show your sketching!

@Midnghtraver, nice character choice. Seems fitting for a deer.

Originally Posted by _.Spitfire._ View Post
Very nice piece mahjix, few minor points of criticism though:

Some anatomy issues such as her neck and torso which look kind of weird and her legs look really small in comparison to the rest of her body. Another issue is the foreshortening and placement in space on her legs, because she seems to be sitting quite in the center of the glowing cubething while the pose of her legs and feet suggests she's sitting on the edge of it.

Minor inconsistency in highlights if you compare the feet to the black goo for example. The feet show nearly no outline while the black goo shows a thick outline even though they're getting lit by the same lightsources.

Some pretty inconsistent lighting from below. She's being lit from directly underneath her while she's still catching strong light on the bottom of her face and near her shoulder even though there's a feather edge blocking light and the projected shadow of the feather edge suggests lighting from a close source that's up high, because if the light came from underneath, the shadows would be much longer and covering up most of the face. Some more minor lighting inconsistencies like that in other spots like on her ribcage.

Other than that very nice rendering job.
Tristan, I was hoping to see your feedback, and it was exactly what I hoped for: quality criticism. I really do appreciate it. You're right I did have some struggles with the neck area but after messing with it for so long, I moved on, sadly. Yes, after looking at the sketch, her legs are short, hahaha! As far as her seating is concerned, she is sort of close to the edge, but it's hard to tell due to the lack of definite shape of the 'light'. It could have been portrayed better.

I do see what you mean with the lighting on the 'goo'.

I simply could not calculate how to make the light work the way I wanted it to... so I bent the hell out of the light LOL. I am guilty on all of your points. ESPECIALLY on the shadows from the feathers. The harsh light on her face... when I first added that I thought to myself, "Why?" Sadly enough, I ignored it and moved on... and now that you mentioned it, I'm questioning it again. :S

TL;DR Version: You're absolutely right. On everything. I'll take that bit of information on to the next project. Thanks, Tristan!

@Renevatia, I can /wrists too, if it makes you feel better. Then I'll be able to share your pain.
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