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Old 05-28-2013, 09:18 PM   #65
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: Why Mainstream Sucks

I remember hearing in some university class about people showing more enjoyment of things when they feel like they should enjoy, compared to when there's an outside reason for doing that same thing. It's not too far a stretch to generalize those studies to the art people enjoy, for example, what music someone listens to. Someone might actually enjoy listening to mainstream music when there's a clear way to not listen to it, but for whatever reason they listen to it anyways. Eg: you're in the car with a friend who says you can change the radio station, but you choose to leave it on the mainstream station. But that same person, when they're forced to listen to that music station at work because that's what plays, they find they don't like the music. Theoretically this is all supposed to happen because people don't like being in a state of cognitive dissonance. So the person might not actually like the song on the radio when they're in the car with a friend, but because they don't consciously know why they didn't change the station, they trick themselves into liking the music more to support their choice of not changing the station.
As to what enjoyment is more real or true...who's to say.
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