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Old 05-28-2013, 06:30 AM   #9
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

Arbitrary ratings, 7 or higher means that I liked the file. Will add more later.

Aegis (6.5/10) - Patterns could be a little better, the 32nd bursts are fine I guess. Not bad of a file overall, but not memorable.

Apocynthion Drive (7.5/10) - This fucking hurts cold, ow. A lot of patterns with rolls (the purple holds) included in them are kinda dumb to hit, 24th patterns are hard at that speed. The file isn't bad, but difficulty feels REALLY forced here. The jumpstream patterns are really nice though.

asdfmovie6 Song (8/10) - Very nice difficulty progression, haha. Some 32nd bursts are kinda awkward to hit, but it's fine I guess. File's pretty enjoyable to play, good job Alex!

Autoprocess (8.5/10) - A couple of iffy one handed spots, pretty good overall though.

Bambous (7/10) - What is that song lmao. Nice swingy/technical file, nothing too memorable about it though.

Battle! Team Plasma (6/10) - Some of the patterns in here are really really rigid (I don't know if it's intentional or not though). File overall is okay, it's just that some parts (such as the polyrhythms) ruin the flow of this file for me.

Bit Howl (8.5/10) - Very fun file, especially the intro. The ending isn't as good, but it's still pretty fun to hit.

Blue Rose (8.5/10) - Technical masterpiece, didn't enjoy it as much as I should though.

BSPower Explosion [Oni] (8/10) - Some of the grace notes are kinda awkward to hit, file's great to play though. Nice job Joel!

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor [Oni] (7.5/10) Nice and easy file, felt that I should've enjoyed it a little less than I should though.

Chaotic WHITE (9/10)
- Grace notes towards the ending are a little excessive, really really fun file though holy shit.

Child Protective Services Theme Song v2 (7.5/10) - Some of the bursts are just rigid to hit, some are really fun to hit. File's fun, would play again.

Chronos (6/10) - Some parts are just really awkward to hit. File as a whole isn't bad, just didn't enjoy it though.

CirnoRHTL (9/10) - So fun. Holy shit. The first minijack is kinda iffy to hit but the file as a whole is super fun, wow.

Clash (8.5/10) - I had a blast playing this, even though it's easy haha. Great file Zag.

Contact (6/10) - This is probably fun on rates. On 1.0 though..

Crack In The Hourglass [Oni] (8.5/10) - Really fun. That's all.

Cyberstorm (8/10) - Really nice BPM gimmicks. 4th section is a fucking eyesore to read though, but that's probably part of the challenge. Pretty good file.

Demonish Beast Appearance [Oni] (9/10)
- I've always wanted to play a file like this. Really well done.

Die Winnipeg Die Fuckers Die (8.5/10) - Really fun on rates. Really fun on 1.0 too, nice file Alex.

Dishevel (9/10)
- I LOVE the patterns in this file. Almost exactly how I'd picture the file.

ge4ce [Heavy] (3/10) - The first half is the only enjoyable part of the file, the second half is just... dumb.
[Edit] (1/10) -

Innocent Walls (8.5/10) - Great jacking file. Only part I didn't like is the 32nd roll, but it's bias haha.

Mirage Garden [Oni] (8.5/10) - Really fun stuff, especially on rates.

Salieri Strikes Back [Oni] (9/10)* - Fucking solid file.

The Bridgeport Run (9/10) - I love this file. Too bad the file doesn't like me.

The Creator (6/10) - I like Yousei Teikoku's music a lot, this doesn't really seem to do justice though. I expected something much harder to be honest, but it's a pretty decent attempt at least. I honestly think if it's harder (perhaps more jacks?), it'd be much better.

Transparent World [Edit] (6/10) - Rigid patterns in the jumpstream, the file gets better in the second half but doesn't really appeal to me overall.

Waltz of the Big Dogs (8.5/10) - Really fun file actually. There are a couple of spots that are kinda gay to hit, but for songs like this, you can't really make it hard without making a couple of spots awkward to hit. My favourite Roar file currently. (o:

Last edited by EzExZeRo7497; 05-28-2013 at 09:42 AM..
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