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Old 06-14-2005, 06:05 PM   #107
new hand moves = dab
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Yay, finally got back on the computer. My friend is moving and he slept over and then I went swimming and then I ran with people from cross country and then I went lifting and then I went to Steak 'n Shake and then I came back here. That was a big ass run-on sentence, holy crap.

I definitely want to start another game, but I'm not sure if the pooling is such a good idea for THIS TWG. A lot of people are either taking a break from TWG or are dropping out because they don't like jTWG. This might not leave enough for a pool of 32 people. The signups for this TWG should probably be run normally, and then we can try the pooling after that.

Originally Posted by Tps222
Wait, are you saying that 3 over 2 is unfair? How else can a decision be made without an odd number of people?
What I was trying to say was that members of TWC can overrule the others to benefit themselves. The voting was hardly based on what should be right, and more on OMG GIV ME MAH PIP LIEK NOW. With the pips abolished, though, this might not be such of a problem anymore.

I've been thinking about the idea of TWC itself, and I really don't think it's that bad, now that I can sit back and just think about it instead of being faced with bad occasions. Sure, the TWC could go mad with power.. but they really haven't.

Also, about getting a say in what happens and what doesn't happen, I know I don't feel like that; I could really care less. Maybe TWC could be expanded for those who really feel strongly about getting a say in what happens.. but maybe they would have to be approved by the current TWC or something. I dunno, just a random thought.

ps Afrobean's back :>
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