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Old 05-11-2013, 03:22 AM   #526
FFR Veteran
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 358
Default Re: May-hem: DAYS NINE, TEN & ELEVEN

I don't remember playing Fall Silently any time recently. Interesting song, I like it.

Well it looks like this is the start of losing the perfect streak. R^3 is annoying and stopped working before I could even figure out what settings to use to try to do that challenge, after plenty of spamming my game plays. Trying Burnout just with offset on Velocity wasn't working very well. Alone Again I just don't feel like trying 20 times, keep getting a good on the left-handed pattern at the end of the trill+jump thing. Etc. Not worth the frustration and waste of time, especially since as far as has been announced there's nothing special for getting a bunch of challenges. Maybe I'm just too tired, but for now I'm gonna go back to having fun with the game. Mostly.

Edit: Yeah mostly tired I think.

Some of these challenges seem a little off, Glaciate is easy. AAAing things is hard.

Day 9
Day 10
Day 11

Two-handed alt (now main) account of Bobogoobo

Best AAAs: Gacha Gacha Cute Figu atto Mate [56], Song of the second moon [52], Musicmaker RX [52], Wish (Reprise) [51], Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! [51], Exogenesis [51]
Quest for Scarhand: 3+ blackflags on Pure In Asia, blackflag on Iced Innocence
2020 update: all of these got bumped up 4 (rip Scarhand unlock), rusty, new AAA Power Rocket [56?]
2021 semiannual return: Connect (HOUSE SOUL REMIX) [57] (was blackflag from 2013), second blackflag on Call Upon the Seaponies; 2023: Polar 240 [56]
BFs: 127 and counting (as of 2013-11-10)

Last edited by Viisbyxa; 05-11-2013 at 03:58 AM..
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