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Old 05-7-2013, 06:37 PM   #34
Retired StaffFFR Veteran
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Default Re: What's the most you've ever drank in one night?

Most I've ever had was a ton of champagne + vodka + beer in one night, back during my freshman year back home with friends. No idea how much it was, but it was a lot -- and boy was I loopy as hell and totally fried the next morning.

I've also taken in a lot of wine with dinner during multi-course meals with wine pairings (only did this a few times because wine kicks my ass).

The worst feeling ever is when I drink too much vodka. It sits in the pit of my stomach like a hot ball of steel.

Ever since graduating college though, I try not to drink more than 2 drinks, max. My tolerance is shit, but I figure that's a good thing, really.

Last edited by Reincarnate; 05-7-2013 at 06:40 PM..
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