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Old 04-12-2013, 01:44 AM   #13
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Default Re: My photographic hobby

Originally Posted by Xx{Midnight}xX View Post
This is going to sound way more harsh than I intend it, so please don't take this the wrong way

but I fail to see a point to the picture you just took. It's a room full of seats and a wall with a paper on it ect. So what?

An important part to taking pictures is not just the composition or the colors. Those are basics. The real thing that bothers me here is that this picture lacks a purpose. The purpose of a picture is important. Are you striving to give off an aura of say an eere field? Are you trying to capture a person? These sort of things to me, not all people however, are super important.

Sorry again if that seems harsh, but I do hope you understand the thing I'm getting at.
While it is not strong, it is there. The image expresses with shape and form, by seeing these objects that look like they are marching. The viewer completes the picture in some cases with abstract or expressionistic imagery. The emotional reaction and associations made by the viewer are what completes the work.

A trick for viewing pictures is to not look for a meaning right away. Sometimes its too subtle to be found by looking at the bigger picture, and one needs to sort of relax and sink into less visible concepts being played on with it. Stop clinging to natural associations for things in the picture, and stop tainting what you're seeing with what is literally there instead of on what associations it generates in the mind.

if that makes sense~~ so yeah it's not that the meaning isn't there in some photos, it's that it's not strong enough to be noticed in some cases. I indeed can pull out a sort of context for the picture. I asked him why he decided to take this picture/frame it the way he did in order to get a stronger idea of whats being conveyed.

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