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Old 04-6-2013, 11:37 PM   #1
Wayward Vagabond
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Default I too would like to profess my love

after seeing top's bravery i have decided to come out and express my love as well. the difference being that i do not love a person but a thing. i love alcohol and it isnt your typical alcoholic kind of love(or dependency) its a real thing the same way someone could love twilight sparkle enough to message someone on dA about getting fan art about twilight sparkle and being mad about it because theyre going to marry her. its that kind of love. i admittingly tried to make love to alcohol while under the influence of alcohol which led to me being in the hospital for some time but i would not like to get into that because it depicts both alcohol and myself negatively. alcohol and i have shared many great moments and i think it is high time that the whole world acknowledged my life for this wonder liquid.

i love you alcohol now and forever until death do you kill me.
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