Thread: Immigration
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Old 04-4-2013, 11:57 AM   #2
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Default Re: Immigration

1) Your thoughts on immigrants as a whole
I used to the thought of so many immigrants living in my area(Mexicans) but lately I realize that most of them arent that bad, and a lot of them are actually really hard workers. Most Mexicans I see have a fair amount of money from the jobs they do, and if they're illegal they probably make up for lost taxes with all the sales tax on the beer they buy.

2) Your thoughts on language such as "illegal immigrants" now being considered like the F-word or N-word. (Example article describe current event below)

I was unaware of this, but it's stupid as hell. If you're an illegal immigrant, you're an illegal immigrant. We arent insulting your country of origin, we're insulting your ethics of thinking you're a citizen just because oyu can run accross the border without being caught,

3) How do you see immigrants impacting the United States?

Good question. I think the entire answer will be based on what kind of laws are passed about immigration in the next couple decades.

4) If NOT in the United States, what are your opinions on America's current plan of action?

I'm in the US.

5) Do you think immigrants are good for the economy?
I mean hey, they make their money and they spend it on stuff, circulating more money in the economy overall, so why not.

6) Why do immigrants even immigrate to the United States?
Because a lot of countries are politically unstable, a lot less safe for families, and the you can make a lot more money in the US than you can in some other countries.
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