Thread: ITG/DDR Scores
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Old 04-2-2013, 11:50 PM   #468
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Default Re: ITG/DDR Scores

Originally Posted by dragonmegaXX View Post
The last stream is 2 measures. Also, it seems like the hardest song for everyone from SN2 is Paranoia Hades. I think I was the only one in the area who passed it. It's such a beast....

Yeah paranoia hades still absolutely destroys my stamina, and I can do very low 15's almost consistently now. You have to have an entirely different level of skill to just pass that song in comparison to every other chart on that.

Also Pluto Relinquished should be a 13, I know it's one big build up for a small amount of stream but 200 bpm candles are so friggin hard, and it is absolutely full of them right at the end.

Btw Dragon that 205 bpm run with the ridiculous amount of candles was absolutely insane. I've tried NNRT which is only 200 and just getting through the first run was one of the hardest accomplishments I've ever done, and that was way harder. I thought you might actually pass or something, but yeah I can imagine you must of been destroyed stamina wise after that first run.

Anyways I have a couple of those scores for you Ez. They're not the best but they're getting better, I'm still pretty bad at scoring on 15's. Also I'll get Axel Grinder soon, waiting for a good day for that one.

Really good for me actually, had more stamina at the end of this than I normally do so I pushed hard for a good score.

Ugh I am so so bad at roll patterns (like 4321 or stuff like that). I swear I was actually trying hard for this >.<

This is not a 15 -_-. Happy feets CV 14 is harder than this is. Oh well still pretty good score overall.

Originally Posted by Findarian
get a sand hack and don't chicken scratch it and if someone does something stupid hack burn
Originally Posted by Dannytwobyfore
I wouldn't blame them, playing jump dense Konami files in DDR would make anyone's dick hard, maybe that's why the only thing anyone does anymore is stream.
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