Thread: coming out
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Old 03-29-2013, 09:41 AM   #1
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Default coming out

I have been attracted to men for as long as I can remember: since I was seven, probably. The first memory I have of me...masturbating (oh, fuck, this is embarrassing) was related to a male figure. Anyway, the bottom line is, I'm bisexual/possibly gay. Have been for as long as I can remember and that wasn't a choice for me. Ever.

But I live in hyper-conservative Korea, with two hyper-conservative parents who just had this exchange watching Spartacus:

Mom: Ugh, they're gays?
Dad: Yeah, obviously (tone of disgust).
Mom: Ew, what is this show?
You can imagine why I haven't come out to my family yet.

But today, for the first time in my life, I talked with a few trusted friends about this. It felt amazing to finally have somebody know and not have to hide my sexuality from them, honestly. The best part was that everybody was amazingly chill about it. Nobody was even very surprised and everybody was quite supportive.

I don't know why I'm making this thread, really. I just wanted to share my experiences, maybe hear from other people, and get some thoughts/advice about coming out. Should I even bother coming out? Other than that whole, you know, hating gays problem, my parents and I have a very tight bond and I'm at a complete loss how I can get them to even begin to understand me.

Last edited by moches; 03-29-2013 at 09:44 AM..
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