Thread: ITG/DDR Scores
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Old 03-16-2013, 11:22 PM   #371
FFR Player
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Default Re: ITG/DDR Scores

Originally Posted by FrozenAngel91 View Post

I still don't understand how you can be that consistent at 220 bpm songs (especially one with a ridiculously long stream in it) but you can't beat watercolor of all things, like I played a 16 and it seemed more tiring to me then watercolor. It's probably because you have amazing form or something I guess.
Even when I first started out, I played footspeed so that probably has something to do with it. I feel a lot comfortable streaming fast for little time instead of streaming slow for a long time. Moonearth is like an exception because I literally memorized the patterns xD.

Actually my form isnt even that great. I just try hard to minimize movements as much as I can. Good thing about playing in socks is that I know exactly where I'm hitting on the panel and it's much easier hit the panels closer to the centre. I have a footwork video of me playing Dancecore Girl (200 bpm) back in October. You should check that out

My footwork has improved quite a bit but my stamina seems to stay the same That is probably why I hate constant streams. To me, DF 15s are much easier than Pendulum 14s. It's weird but I guess that's just me haha.

Also, Steel Bomber was pretty weird because I almost FCed the 2 huge runs but got some CBs later in the song for being ridiculously tired lol. Next time I go, I'll get one of my friends to record my feet to see how I stream 220+s.

Last edited by MinTS2; 03-16-2013 at 11:25 PM..
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