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Old 03-14-2013, 09:41 PM   #94
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Default Re: Hasn't been a day since the new pope was elected and we already have to witness t

Originally Posted by popsicle_3000 View Post
I disagree with homosexuality as a way of life. everyone is entitled to their opinion. I hold no contempt, prejudice, aversion or hatred of homosexuals. I have homosexual friends. I treat them the same way as I do my hetero friends. God loves them identically to heterosexuals and so should I.

you really think i'm a homophobe?

It is appalling how some people treat homosexuals, and many of those people are christians. they do not reflect how God views them...
If you hold no contempt, prejudice, aversion or hatred of homosexuals, why do you disagree with their way of life? Sure, you don't have to be gay or like gay men having sex or whatever, but disagreeing with someone's lifestyle (without any real reason to) is exactly what you just mentioned you are not, no matter how you spin it.
Initially I thought you posted that comment in favor of the church's statement by belittling the denial of equal rights for homosexuality as simple "disagreeing", but apparently I interpreted your comment wrong (although I do not see whom it was directed to then). Regardless though, my point still stands.

edit: FFRN00B90210, you're not doing your argument any justice. Quit being so childish.
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