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Old 03-11-2013, 11:33 AM   #6751
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
Tear, Chalice, or Catalyst for early manaregen on Syndra?
Hard to decide.

I feel like Tear builds the best because Seraph's Embrace is godlike, but it makes your early laning pretty bad. Chalice is weird, Athene's seems so weak on Syndra. And Catalyst builds into RoA but that sort of goes against your lvl 6 and midgame burst which is one of Syndra's strongest points.

Someone explain what to do pls, this champ is hella fun but idk what is the right answer to her mana problems.
(also the only other thing that annoys me about Syndra is that she grunts like a tennis player...)
Ignore your mana problem. Manage your mana usage effectively until you can be given blue. It's not like she's one of those people that can't last hit under tower effectively.

You'll do more for your laning power if you can get an NLR quickly than if you were to rush a mana item. Normally I pick up Kage's to mitigate any creep loss that might be happening and make her a little stronger until i can get that NLR.
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