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Old 03-5-2013, 09:49 AM   #12
FFR Player
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Default Re: The Future of Stepmania

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
It also doesn't help that FFR is basically catering to the veterans/elites right now in terms of files released. I don't play anymore but I peek into the score threads and it seems like every other file is a BRRRT-BRRRTT-BRRRRRTTTT breakcore ass-stream WRECKYOTENDONZ stuttercock 18-footer dumpladen bukkakeflash shtistorm. Not very newbie-friendly.
My fucking word, post of the year 2013 is already decided. Literally we need another like HUGE "easy songs" batch really badly.

Someone's gonna bring up how a lot of these kind of charts were released during the official, and compared to the amount of "hardshit" realeased in the past year, realize FFR is still pretty behind in terms of Quality easy charts to interest the newer players.

And yes, quality matters. A lot.

That's the one thing Thirdstyle has done very (in comparison to FFR) well is cater to a newer community of players by giving them proper ranked songs to score on. every time something batshit hard is put out. (With the occasional Fury of the Storm such chart to stand on it's own.)

Also, someone's gonna say it, but yeah, I like easier charts. I hate that stupid HAH FRAMER FUCKED BUZZ BUZZ HAND STREAM OVERLAYERED FOR DIFFICULTY shit. Stuff like that regardless of how well it's stepped on a technical aspect, are still dumb to me.

I'll be honest though, I don't play SM enough to comment on anything about it other than honestly, you can still keep it the way it is as a multi-styled game, as aforementioned by someone else, Osu! is doing quite the job of handling a lot of game modes which all require different styles and even have multiple styles within the game modes. (From my limited understanding of the game that is.)

The other thing you all are talking about is a central authority and yeah, that'd help I imagine. But only if like step-packs could be released in the style of beatmap packs. (I favor this system a lot actually.)

It seems like the Osu team has their shit down (to a point) and Stepmania should kind of follow that example if you asked me.
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