Thread: Arch0wl AMA
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Old 03-2-2013, 08:27 PM   #13
FFR Simfile Author
Join Date: Dec 2002
Age: 35
Posts: 6,344
Default Re: Arch0wl AMA

bench - last bulk I peaked at 135x9 so that's a 1RM of 174. have no idea what it is now though. lost 40lbs for this cut so I've lost a lot of muscle in the process. that's the consequence of dirty bulking

username - originally I went by "NightOwl" when I was 11 because I stay up late. I loved the name "Archmage" from breath of fire III so I combined the names. a guy already had "ArchOwl" so we agreed that we'd distinguish ourselves with O for him and the 0 for me

who am I - stepmania player known for AAAing Quasar on 1.5x music speed, index, way back before anyone did anything like that

favorite memories - the environment right around when ITG was starting, O2Jam worked and FFR was taking off. it was a brave new world.

poker - saute the catfish in oil and as he's almost done cooking, add some butter, basil, and heavy whipping cream in that order for a sauce

ffr back in 2002 - primitive, no one had any hard songs to play, playing styles hadn't been developed yet

image in sig - I don't have sigs enabled

test - random stepmania trivia, designed by Kommisar, the Kommissar of trivia tests

super old - weird, feels like time hasn't passed

jp007 - definitely in the top 3 most traumatic things to ever happen to me, can't say I enjoyed it

quest - nope

cucumbers - no but they're good on sandwiches and also with sriracha sauce and vinegar

hows life - swag and yolo
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