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Old 02-23-2013, 02:21 PM   #7
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Default Re: I wasn't done with atheism/theism

Originally Posted by JJTrixX View Post
Gods enemies killed his first born Son. What could be worse that putting the son of God, Jesus Christ to death? Especially the way they did it. Can you think of anything?
Hang on. God is omniscient; both God and Jesus knew this would happen before Jesus took human form. In fact it was pretty much inevitable, given that at the time the penalty for being a "false" prophet (from the Romans' perspective, not ours) was death. Jesus being killed was the plan all along - and plus, it was also the plan that He would get resurrected, so his death didn't mean much. After all, killing someone is such a bad thing because then they're dead and it's permanent, but if you know they're going to get resurrected in a few days anyway, it's not so much of a big deal. It's like stealing something and then giving it back. In that context it's not hard at all to think of a worse crime to commit against your enemy.

So here we have an omniscient, omnipotent being, setting up a human society so that, by their own rules, they have to commit a "crime" which, actually, has no real long-term repercussions to Him. Then, He blames the society, and implies that they were evil enemies of God, for doing exactly what He planned to happen. Somehow this seems a little unfair to me.
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