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Old 02-21-2013, 11:24 AM   #380
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Default Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by ilikexd View Post
I don't know.
You don't know because you have yet to know the love of God. One day you will.

@ Dossar, let me shed some light on your statement. You can not commit suicide and go to heaven.

The Bible teaches us to trust, depend on, and believe in God throughout its length. (Romans 8:28 is one example.) To take your own life would show no faith in God. Notice that although the prophets, apostles, and Jesus Christ were persecuted, tortured, and put to death; they did not commit suicide for an “easy out.” They “fought the good fight” to the end (see 2 Timothy 4:6-8).

One of the Commandments of God is: "Thou shall not commit murder." This includes murder upon yourself. You are making the choice to give up on life and accepting death as your way out.

Furthermore, you say, "It also doesn't require a religion to figure out that there are certain essential rules needed for any group to survive."

Let me ask you this: According to your very own logic, What would stop you from commiting an immoral act like stealing from an innocent man(outside your "group"), if you knew that the stolen item(such as food, money, jewelry, a car, etc.) would help you survive AND you knew that you would never get caught? Not only this, but a group of people that understand "certain essential rules" is exactly what a religion is. Atheists say very clearly that they dont follow any "absolute moralities" which is a fancier way of saying "certain essential rules".They say that anything and everything can be argued and be put up on the table for discussion, reasoning, disputing, etc. at any time.(qouted by Mr. Dawkins himself in a video interview i saw posted earlier by reincarnate I believe)

You also say, "For example, a society cannot just have people murdering or everyone would just be afraid of each other. That leads to distrust and miscommunication, and no society would be able to exist under such pandemonium."

You are implying that if religion didn't exist and everyone understood the concept you said above, there would be no murder. Just because it makes sense not to commit murder, doesn't mean people will not murder. There will always be people regardless of their beliefs whether they are atheists or theists that will kill others in this world because the world isn't perfect and never will be. All it takes is ONE individual to have a disagreement or seperate view on anything, and a ripple effect occurs where other people will also have seperate views. You can not create a perfect world here on earth where everybody agrees on everything and there is absolutely no violence, war, theivery, murder, etc. because this world is constantly being tampered and manipulated by negative forces, eg. the devil. The bible shows us how to lead a GOOD life in an imperfect world.

Last edited by JJTrixX; 02-21-2013 at 12:14 PM..
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