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Old 02-18-2013, 08:23 PM   #1
Bynary Fission
Retired One-Hander
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Default Insane One-Handed Accomplishments

Yeah, I can really feel my skill returning to where it used to be - I know it for a fact because I am beginning to get scores I couldn't do before. These scores are roughly ordered starting from least good to most insane.

yay i passed again!

Topped 285m...this file is fun to play for some weird reason, even though I will never AA it.

I can AA this, but it'll be on a lucky run.

Likewise - I can do most of the bursts, but those jumpgluts always get me.

Woop, re-AAed. I can get a better score on this but it'll be kinda tough.

Awesome - I'm horrible at the jack patterns in this song, so this is really good for me.

The Insane Shit:

Posting this in the Insane section because I combo'ed nearly all of the 32nd streams. Big speed boost for me.

Wow, those cbs and combo are really, really good. I can sdcb but that mostly boils down to how I do on those horrible ending patterns.

holy mother of mindblock how did I get 6 cbs on this!?! This score is ridiculous for me - about half of the cbs came from mindblocks too.

This will be AAed someday - I don't care what anybody says.

These scores are just plain fucking ridiculous no matter how you look at them.

Better ms and cbs:

Better combo:
Newest Track (04/19/2024): Tell Us Who You Are [8-bit Chiptune]
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