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Old 02-16-2013, 05:01 PM   #111
behanjc & me are <3'ers
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Default Re: FFR Community Pack 4 Released!

Originally Posted by bmah View Post
p.s. guys, if there are multiple charts in a song, and you complain about the hardest chart, don't forget to play the easier ones...they exist for a reason

(referring to people who rate solely on the hardest chart but don't bother looking at easier ones which may be more reasonable in their eyes)
I only don't touch the lower difficulties because it's annoying enough to play through 100 charts in one sitting when I was playtesting, and to test a chart for the same song more than twice, especially when the charts are similar, is really tiring and tedious.

If however, there is a significant difference in charts ("collab" where a person each works on a chart) or there is some particular valid reason to test other difficulties, I'll do it. If I missed anything people can bug about it too on this thread. But otherwise, I skim the other charts.

ps re-reviewed pulse de chocobo for you esm

pps where are all the reviews ya nigs
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