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Old 02-14-2013, 07:23 PM   #60
Green & Gold ReflexKage
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Default Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
The difference is that science is based in hard evidence, whereas religion is not.
One thing science will never teach you is 'faith', whereas religion does. The ability to unconditionally believe in something that you can not prove with hard concrete indisputable evidence is far more beautiful and enlightening then any science can ever accomplish.

Love and be loved. The Bible truly is a work of art and there is a reason why it is the greatest story ever written regardless if its content is accurate or fabricated. The Bible's purpose isn't to justify its validity as most naive people suggest, but rather to express the meaning of what 'love' really is and God's overwhelming abundance of it.

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:17

"We love, because He first loved us." John 4:19

A perfect example to understand this concept would be to imagine if you had a son or a daughter. Wouldn't you love your child? Wouldn't you do anything to protect your own flesh and blood and try to do what's best for them? That natural love that you feel for your children comes from the love that God has for us, for we are all children of God.

Everything is connected. Do not deviate from one another, instead try to understand that we are all pieces of a whole. We must work together as a team if we are to ever experience true bliss. Isn't that what we all seek in life?
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