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Old 02-6-2013, 02:06 AM   #6400
lol happy
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Default Re: League of Legends

My cousin and a bunch of our friends did troll games today. We played games with everyone trying out all the stupidest builds (ranging from viable but unconventional to just bad):

Full Zeals Revive/Smite Master Yi- Re-confirmed that the Dunkmaster build remains a totally viable troll favorite. (my cousin went 5/1 with this in lane against an Elise lol)
Muramana AP Warwick mid- Actually really good. Muramana procs on each hit of his ult for a trillion damage but you run out of mana instantly as well. Probably need to build a Rod of Ages along with it. Also takes forever to stack on Warwick.
Kassadin Jungle- The worst.
Sword of the Divine ADC Mundo (maxing E first)- Didn't really get to test it because he got shut down SO hard by a Miss Fortune in his lane.
Full CDR AP Support Ashe- Built it like an AP Kayle, went possibly worse than our jungle Kassadin. At least arrows hit for like 500 a pop.
AP Tristana- Surprisingly strong, played it like an assassin. I think because the guy who was playing mains Trist though, he could go positive with Trist no matter what build he picked lol.
Tower Troll Support Nunu- Hilarious. Run Teleport and buy Banner of Command and Ohmwrecker. TP to an enemy tower, promote the cannon minion, bloodboil it, and turn off the tower with Ohmwrecker. Run away spamming laugh while the super minion kills it. Totally pointless honestly but I cannot stress how amusing it was.
Crittlesticks- AD Fiddle with full crit runes and an IE. Can destroy someone in one fear, but his laning was so bad that it never really panned out the way we wanted it to.
AD Chogath- It worked fairly well I guess, but was a bit boring. This was only funny because my cousin would yell "NOMNOMNOM" every time he ulted.
Crit Nasus- They apparently buffed it so his Q can crit. Bought Triforce and an IE but we actually won the game before he could start critting for 1000 per Q.
Full Movespeed Cleanse/Ghost Teemo- Best split push troll build ever. Impossible to catch.

Lost all but one game but it was the most fun I've had playing LoL.
We also did a full support champs game. Alistar jungle, AD bruiser Thresh top, AP Soraka mid, ADC Janna, and Taric actually doing support. We lost but it was actually a pretty close game. Soraka ult plus Soraka heal plus Alistar heal plus Janna shield plus Taric heal plus Summoner Heal was pretty fun to chain on our Thresh when he went balls deep on a pull, sadly most of the time it was just countered by ignite lol

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