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Old 01-29-2013, 02:30 AM   #36
Untimely Friction
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Default Re: Double Credits.... Should it comeback?

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
It really comes down to this:

This isn't inclusive to just the game itself, but people need to participate in more site-wide events if they want credits. In my opinion, you shouldn't be entitled to a larger sum of credits you don't even bother to work for it. Some people grind the game to get credits, and others participate in official or user-run events. Doubling the credit counts doesn't help anything -- it floods an already destroyed FFR economy because there is absolutely nothing to use the credits on. Users have to hoard credits for secret songs as it is, which is preventing any sort of true credit sink from being truly effective on its own. There are many users with millions of credits that they built up through tournament winnings, or other events, and I personally a 2x credit event shouldn't be used to circumvent hard work or good social activity on the site.
I'm talking about the possibility for content expansion. Obviously that's the main goal of administration right now, and content does that. I'm obviously not talking about PERMANENT double, but perhaps the ideas people said before, random weekends or events. Regardless I'm now trying to make apparent the possibility for expansion of population, and the expansion of content. R^3 is not complete and as such theres much that can be done with it.

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
Adding a huge amount of purchased songs doesn't solve anything either because it's just more songs that aren't accessible by newer players. In order to truly create a credit sink, you have to have something that users WANT to spend their credits on, not something they need to.
You mean exactly as it is now? Those of us broke don't have access, and those of us with plenty are not being rewarded for it, which is very possible. Again, think of it mathematically.
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