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Old 01-27-2013, 01:51 AM   #6315
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
I just had the worst/best game ever and I need to share.
We had a jungler they didn't, as is common in low lvl games. Darius offer to 1v2 at top for our team while Cho'gath jungle. I know Cho is going to get invaded because the enemy is mia the entire lvl 1 time... I tell our team to group near Cho's blue for the invade but our Fiddle in the middle and Darius don't show up. Sure enough after a little bit the enemy Thresh flash pulls me and I get instagibbed. THEN our Fiddle and Darius come down to blue. This sets off a 1 minute long lvl 1 fight where our team goes 0-8 by 2:30.

The two people on their team bot were Thresh and Kha'zix. Both were clearly Brazilian (had BR in their names, didn't speak any English, said "huehue" in all chat after the lvl 1 fight) and they proceeded to farm me (Sona) and my ADC (Miss Fortune) for like 10 kills. Their Thresh went AD and he could literally 2shot me with his pull combo. I think I was lvl 4 while they were both lvl 9. Somehow though MF manages to out-CS them despite dying 4 times and basically never having me as support because I was always dead too. Meanwhile Cho'gath is fucked in jungle because his blue was stolen and their top warded their blue so he couldn't take it.
While all this is going on Darius is getting stomped 1v2 in lane, as you'd expect, and our Fiddle feeds their Sion mid so he is down like 0-2 as well.

Then the first teamfight came, we grouped and aced them 5-0 after being down like 1-15 in kills.

Got towers off that, grouped, aced them again, got inhibs and won the game. It made no sense to me at all. I wish I had saved a replay...
Like I don't even know.
In lower level play, when people get way up in kills for whatever reason I notice that they tend to split push a lot more or just in general get really careless and just get rolled in team fights and the later in the game you are, the more costly your mistakes are due to longer spawn timers. But yeah, it happens a lot.
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