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Old 01-10-2013, 12:25 AM   #98
Nick Skyline
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Default Re: FFR Create-a-Token-Image Contest!

Originally Posted by Zephei View Post
HYPE. Really anxious to see the results.
They're here.

Before I begin, allow me to rate Spitfire's tokens out of 10. Read this post if you want to know why I gave these tokens the scores I gave them.
Ball of Malt - 7/10
Kirlian Shores 1 - 6/10
Kirlian Shores 2 - 8/10
MLP Melody - Both tokens get a 9/10
S - 4/10
TGWP - 10/10
The Earth Blue Up - 9/10
World Ends Yama Xanadu - 8/10
Zephei's White Walls Pt.2 Token gets a 10/10.

Originally Posted by Xenorosth View Post
Token 1: for file S

Token 2: for file My Little Pony Melody [Heavy]

Token 3: for file World's End Yama Xanadu

Token 4: for file The earth blew up v2

Token 7: for file The Games We Played. Something that actually has the guy on it.
S - 6/10 - This one actually doesn't seem too appealing to me, and I don't understand the appeal of squiggly lines for some reason. I don't know, it just seems like someone's taking an image of blurred straight lines (if ever you could find one on the internet) and applying a wave filter to it. Just doesn't work that well for me. That said, I do think this could have worked better if it was a different song.

MLP Melody - 8/10 - Bro shizzle my Twilight Sparkles. And before anyone asks me this question, I feel that putting any picture of a real-life horse would just be . I'll admit that while I would have automatically rejected that one, I at least would have gotten some sort of lulz out of it. It's something that you would really enjoy because of how awful it is. This is not awful. Nor is it a masterpiece of tokenism. It's actually fairly decent.

World Ends Yama Xanadu - 7/10 - Hey, it's that guy. That must mean this is a token song. The nebula seems to give an eerie feeling to this one. It's as if the end of the world is imminent, or maybe I'm just thinking too hard about this. I like how the FFR guy stands out perfectly in this one. He's clearly recognizable and I don't see a lot of faults here.

The Earth Blew Up - 3/10 - I don't know what to say about this one. Unlike your comparatively decent Yama Xanadu token, a static burning flame doesn't seem to connect with the theme of a worldwide apocalypse, solely influenced by one Belgian man and his Noisecore track. I don't see a lot of good things coming from this one, and it's just too bland for me. Especially the fact that it's easily mistaken for a cheap gradient if you blur your eyes enough.

TGWP - 6/10 - All the various colors in this one make the guy a little hard to see; he's still visible, but I can't make him out as easily as I can with some of the other tokens. Tetris is the main theme I'm getting from this token; it's a group But my biggest gripe with this token is that Tetris, while covered in this song, is just one video game. I think that the SSB logo that Spitfire did with his token seems to fit the theme of "a bunch of video game songs mashed into one" a lot better. I guess it would only be kind to say "Nice try". So I will. Nice try.

PsYcHoZeRoSk8eR: EDIT: Okay, I just looked at your post again. All of those tokens look pretty good IMO, and that's just me imagining them with the hand on there. I'm going to give the tokens you submitted a 6/10 each, just to be safe.

Last edited by Nick Skyline; 01-10-2013 at 12:31 AM..
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