Thread: attn elitists
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Old 01-1-2013, 03:55 PM   #71
behanjc & me are <3'ers
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Default Re: attn elitists

I don't know if any of you noticed, but notecharting history in terms of its development is very much parallel to that of western music

"renaissance" period - in music, this is when people start to experiment with very basic ideas such as harmony and polyphony. music was really simple, consisting of only a couple of melody lines at most. in charting this like back in the days of hyrogashi fuckin notepad sim edit fuckin fuck

"baroque" period - here, music starts to make sense. some basic rules were established that allowed it to be very structured. here, we introduce basic concepts of proper sync and layering. first few ffr charts that were on sync fall in this category

"classical" period - some of the stuff in the baroque period was too complex, so classical composers made catchy tunes that would appeal more to the public. this is when people first started to think about what patterns would be the most fun, and very simple, technical charts were made. this is the era of rebirth and hi19. though kil and a couple others were already doing super insane stuff well beyond this time, which we consider the "classics"

"romantic" period - music starts to get complex. lots of chords and fancy rhythms, some pieces highly expressive, others highly technical. here is where we get our really really hard charts that are still actually legitimate. such as glove's files, reach's files, pretty much the era of odi

"modern" period - music starts to challenge the fundamentals. people start to try lots of crazy stuff to just try it and break away from standard procedures. music is pushed to its extremes, ranging anywhere from highly dissonant sounds, neo-classical, or even silence. this is equivalent to kil's newer stuff, my newer stuff, aaand I stopped following stepmania around this time

"postmodern" period - this is where we are now. most everything has already been done. people understand what makes a good chart, the same way how people nowadays understand what good music is. everyone is making music now, combining all sorts of techniques and fusions of styles from all over the world. people started to break away from the modernist music because it sounded to snobby and elitist. now we just need to focus on making fun charts with what we know. if some people want to continue pushing the limits and boundaries on charting, sure, let them do it. but for those who don't care about critical acclaim, let them do what they want, and you'll have a world chock full of fun music to listen to-er I mean charts to play
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