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Old 12-23-2012, 03:01 PM   #4
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Default Re: White Walls pt. 1 [79 or...]

Originally Posted by awein999 View Post
Also those six notes you speak of are tough because of the transition after the six notes into more fast purple stuff even if you can somehow make it through those six notes. Just those two spots isolated would make this chart at least an 82. Now add in the bpm transitions, a couple slower yet tough spots to pa, and length, and I think it's at least 83 and I can see it as 84.
I don't see it being 82 alone without those sections. All of the other parts are mid-high FMO difficulty. The 12th jumpjacks are similar speed to Gymnastics (78)/Spoils (73)/Distorted God (I don't remember exactly but I think it does) (71), long one-handed trill is similar to Blooddrunk (76), and the left/right trills aren't fast (don't have a file to really compare to, but it's still FMO difficulty). It's really a mix of FMO stuffed into a long song.

The 24th one handed trill is similar to GGC's (83 which I think is one difficulty higher than it should) and it flows into the rest of the 24ths. There's even a breather before it. Although it's a tough part, a difficulty can't be placed on it just because of that (no one better say anything about fking CP).

I see it fit as an 80-81. Leaning more towards 80, though. 79 for overall difficulty but bumped up since the length and the amount of sections there are. It's not really as spiky as people say but it's still long with some hard spots.

Last edited by ~Zeta~; 12-23-2012 at 03:06 PM..
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