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Old 12-7-2012, 11:04 PM   #11
Massive flaming dildos.
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Default Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

What are all your tickets for? I learnt my lesson after my 4th. Since I only have one point on my license left I can't risk losing it since I drive every day and need it.

I had called the police once when my dad was threatening to break my bedroom door down with an axe because I locked myself in and he didn't want to "talk through a door", so once he hit my door with an axe once I called the police on him and they came and told me it was my fault because my dad puts a roof over my head and I didn't have a job at the time so I was worthless in their opinion. I was 18 at the time. During this my dad smashed a door sized mirror I had hanging on my door and the police made me clean it up. Even though there was a fucking hole in my door they told me that I was mentally ill and that my dad didn't do anything. They even went downstairs and asked my brother and his friends if I "talk to myself or have any friends".

All the cops who have stopped me for speeding have been great guys, I got off twice and have had all my tickets brought down from 30-35km over to 15-20km over. The only cop who was a dick was the ones that pulled me over after following me for a few blocks after I went through a yellow light at 2:00AM downtown. It was Easter weekend so I assume they thought they'd catch someone drinking and driving but that wasn't the case, I was just out with some chicks getting McDonalds, aha. Needless to say that Jr. Chicken cost me 340$ if you include gas, the burger and the ticket.

Last edited by EnR; 12-7-2012 at 11:13 PM..
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