Thread: Marijuana
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Old 12-2-2012, 08:14 PM   #41
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Default Re: Marijuana

I've never smoked it, but I've known enough people who smoked to know similar to just about anything, like video games, it's perfectly fine to do it in moderation.

Originally Posted by AdenL View Post
Pretty much the same with me, I can relate quite a bit on that one.

If I do smoke, it's only on the weekends. I don't work high, I don't go to school high, I don't drive high. Look at it like this! Why is it socially acceptable to go home and drink a nice ice cold beer (or warm for you dark beer lovin' germans), kick your boots off and unwind from a days work, but the second someone goes home and smokes some Marijuana it's a catastrophe? It's discrimination I say because the fire water never goes over well with me.
If you're drinking one beer a day, it's a bit different then smoking weed daily. However, if you drink, say, 5 shots and a glass of merlot then you've got a problem, worse then Marijuana
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