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Old 11-17-2012, 08:54 PM   #44
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Default Re: The Dream's of Xiz

Originally Posted by Xiz View Post

11/17/2012: #2 (I took a nap around 2pm from being sick. This might be one of my most powerful dreams yet)

So this dreams starts out with a terrorist organization, consisting of about 12-15 men, but their numbers really ranged within the hundeds-of-thousands. Their reasons are unknown, but they are showing going around and killing random groups of individuals, in different locations montage style. Showed them killing on a train, then on a boat, on a plane. Major methods of transportation seemed to be a theme. I remember one shot where it showed a list of 50 individuals, and most of them had a big red "X" through them. I never saw if my face was on there, but I knew it was. I was then shown in some apartment (that was my own) scavenging around, when I found a trap door. I went down it, it was a huge room with pluming in it, including hundreds of boxes. Some were big, some were small, but the contents I knew were highly valuable. And inside these boxes were exactly what they were looking for. I then heard a crash, I knew they were inside my house. I took one smaller box - and went into another secret passage behind a bunch of boxes in the basement, which went on for quite a while. I opened them and saw what was inside, sighed, then closed in and kept heading down the passage. I opened the door at the end, which led me into what I thought was some sort of medical school mixed with a university library. I walked past students working at computers, and I noticed one in particular who was manning the help-desk behind these rows of computers who was eye'n me down. I kept moving. I ran into one of my University friends (Elizabeth) - I asked her I needed help, it was an emergency - and we needed to hurry fast. I needed something from her. She asked what was wrong - so I told her the backstory as we hurried through many halls and up and down flights of stairs...

(During part of this narration, some images of whats described below was seen, as it cuts back and forth between me running with Elizabeth)
"About 25 years ago (in 2016) the world got together and dubbed "Bronies" as a curse against humanity, a sin, an act against god. They had everything to do with My Little Pony either burned, and destroyed. Anyone found with anything related to MLP would be beaten, and killed. For amusement they would drag bronies out into the streets and throw rocks and stones at them, beat them with bats and drag them from the back of cars. There were still a few left, very very few bronies alive. And an even smaller percentage of them still had some sort of MLP memorabilia with them."
My friend then told me to be quiet, and took me into the basement of this building we have been roaming around. I opened the doors, and it turned out to be a soccer stadium, filled but all the fans were quiet. It was Hungry vs. Germany. It was being televised, and then I realized we have been roaming around the worlds most watched TV headquarters. All the spokesperson within the arena were Korean though. We went to the left, and these two guards stopped us.

During this time, the assassins broke into the secret entrance where all those boxes were. In it they found hundreds of MLP related items, such as plushies, comics, clothing, etc. It then showed them burning everything with a flamethrower in slowmotion, as the head assassins walked down the 2nd secret entrance to the TV headquarters. I gave the box to her, where it would be in safe keeping. She then walked past the guards where it would be held in a vault for safekeeping forever. I told her it was safe to open it once the war was over. I then went into a room alone where there was a phone in the middle. The man at the computer desk was notifying the assassins where my where-a-bouts where, and pointed to the stadium. I took it, and started texting my loved ones, including a bunch of my friends telling them thank you for giving me a great life, and how happy I was to have them be part of my family. My friend opened the box before she put it in safe keeping, and inside of it was a converse pair of shoes, on one was rainbow striped, and on the other was Rainbow Dash's mark. I put down the phone. I woke up.
Maybe it was the tylenol o.O
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