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Old 10-18-2012, 12:54 AM   #5399
Shout out to Hades
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
Because she's a cooldown champ and all of her damage comes from AD? I thought it was pretty standard to just stack bloodthirsters.

EDIT: I mean, along with a GA and maybe a Maw and a LW.
Which is extremely bad for her, the point of her isn't to DPS. It's to be a bruiser.
She was technically a glass cannon and any ADC would easily rip her a new ass due to kiting from range OR anybody that would know what they are doing.
I say that build is poor because if Riven is stunned, slowed, silenced, well let's just say anything. She = dead.
She's a champ that should be one of the first into a fight, and one of the last out. Not the last one in and first dead.

A good build for Riven would be the following.
Boots of choice (Tabi or Merc)
Guardian Angel (Now you're scary)
From here it's your choice what to build
Last Whisper

Fighting a riven using 3 BTs on the enemy team, you would easily destroy from armor and Randiun proc.
Even then, Maw makes a huge difference if you can stay alive at low HP without dying *hint hint* GA *hint hint*

Riven is one of those stupid champions that doesn't need THAT much AD to be a big problem, like most bruiser champions.
Which is why she's stupid (OP)
I'm a bad bad Boy.

Last edited by WTFBrandon; 10-18-2012 at 12:56 AM..
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