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Old 09-22-2012, 12:22 AM   #712
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
any other good, aggressive beginner routines i can check out that include LISS and HIIT on top of weight training?
Bro, just do the 5/3/1 or Reach's. You're overthinking this and it's going to ruin any progress you make. I suggest 5/3/1 because it develops strength and muscle, and several bodybuilders do it. A lot of power lifters do too, such as Ben Seath, who had crazy gains on it (he recently had a 2000 lb raw total with bench/deads/squats, so...)

I've been doing carb backloading, while saving money for a real bodybuilder diet that will work for times and stuff. Weights up a little bit, but I'm feeling strong as hell. Did some rest pause sets yesterday with bench: did 275 12 times, then racked it and breathed, then did another 5, then racked/breathed, and another 3! Felt crazy, I usually dont do really high rep on bench.I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with my squats (I wasnt pushing my knees out...) so the weight is rocketing back up to HS levels. Deads are the only things I'm not progressing on, but everything else is jumping up like crazy so I'm not too sad. Went from having trouble doing standing OHP with 185 to repping it out past 10, which I can usually only do on seated (I can do 245 though seated...)

The fascia stretches hurt so good though, really enjoying it. chest and biceps were pulled open and it felt like I could really feel the full pump for the first time in a while.
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