Thread: Wii-U specs?
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Old 09-17-2012, 06:24 PM   #10
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Default Re: Wii-U specs?

i have the same theory as i posted earlier this year. this is all offtopic so lol

i was typing and i accidentally closed this window lol it was long so i'll keep it short

wii was successful due to how innovative it was compared to the other consoles out or close to release at the time in '06. DS is successful because it has some of the best companies supporting it. wii fell out later because 360/Ps3 blew it out with the multiplayer-heavy online/offline game they provide along with the "friend's list" system. If Wii U doesn't have anything similar to it its going to fall out hard. I know about that whole "connect" thing where you can talk to other users via the posts and anyone can answer your questions about a particular game. But lets face it, gaming isn't like that anymore where we're trying to beat a one-player game for hours over playing against other people

lets remember that Wii did have online play. to make it short it was generally AWFUL. Microsoft p much controls the online market/multiplayer zone so nintendo is really going to have to improve in that area or their sales for the coming Wii U are going to be as poor as the 3DS during its first few weeks/months of release

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