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Old 09-5-2012, 06:17 AM   #441
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reach View Post
Making the statement about muscle makes no sense on numerous levels. Muscle takes significant time to build (most people don't build much more than 1 lb muscle per month) and requires in almost any condition to be in caloric surplus with a heavy weight training regime. Rubix has 1. Not been in the gym long with a limited program and 2. Has not been eating at caloric surplus. The claim that his weight might be recompositioning because of increased muscle mass is laughable at best and highly misleading.

Go back to lifting heavy things, dipshit. Or go back to school and learn to format some sort of coherent argument that doesn't involve calling me stupid twice in the same post.
Just some food for thought, everybody's body is different. I'm not saying someone can build ten pounds of muscle in a week or something absurd like that. The original argument was that he was not losing weight. I have no idea who he is or what is body type is but I was providing a possible solution. For argument's sake let's say he lost 0.1 pounds of fat but gained 0.1 of muscle...his weight would remain constant. From personal experience I never worked out at all until 5 years ago. In 1 month exactly I went from 182 to 184, with those weights taken at the same time of day under the same conditions. Well over 90% of that weight was muscle so don't assume people can only gain so much during a specific time period.
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