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Old 02-23-2003, 06:45 PM   #82
FFR Player
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 30
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Default Oh yes...

Oh yeah, I probably forgot a lot, but I'm sure everyone reads through everything.. and

I just thought of something.
For a stepfile creation mode, what would be REALLy innovative is to play the song, but with no arrows, but you create the arrows as you go. It could help build a solid framework, of course you might have to find the bpm/fps first, but that shouldn't be too hard with WinBPM or anything similar.

And you know the two lines that shoot out from the sides if you have hit a good/perfect beat? I'm not too sure of the original purpose, but if you moved it up a bit, maybe to the sides of the arrows, and had different colors for perfect or good and none for below that, that way it works on your subconscious as sort of a better way to tell you if you're onbeat or not, rather than having to look farther down then where you'd normally look, i.e. the middle of the FFR screen to read the arrow ratings. I wonder if that is hard to understand, play it and you'll see what I mean. Also, the huge combo numbers make me paranoid as they go past 200... I mean really.. could we lower them or put them in a corner? So.. paranoid.. they're out to get me.. oh my god!

Ok, My eyes are starting to burn, lemme go get some lemon juice to help clear that up..
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