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Old 02-23-2003, 06:36 PM   #81
FFR Player
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 30
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Ok, I'd just like to sum up all the great ideas people are coming up with and add some of my own.

It's true, some, like I, have in our possession horrible, horrible, graphic cards and processors. The current quality selection doesn't explain much. If Remix is to be downloadable, then more detail could be put in to customize the game to better suit those with different processing abilities.
Such as, at one of the setup screens, it would ask "What processor do you have?" and "What graphics card?" If that is too complicated, I suppose the number scale for the quality settings would work, but it should list what features are to be turned off. Even better, you should be able to choose what features you want to turn off, like the background, the background animation, and maybe even the arrows flashing to the type of beat it is(1/16, etc.).
Basically, much more customizability and features. One may be able to change the background to a low-res image, or make it animated for those processors that can handle it. Remix should try not to leave everybody out, if it's going to be graphically intense. Stepmania and DWI already use up 90% of my resources as it is everytime I load them, and I would have thought a P4 would help. I suppose I need more RAM.
I think you guys have got the high score and result screen thing covered, but I'd just like to say I like the idea of different rankings and a way to get better screenshots, or even an online way to take screenshots so your skeptical friend won't think you photoshopped it.

If Remix, or the current FFR would really want to be truly different, breaking away from the DDR style might be worth experimenting with. The hexagon style arrow placing I read on of the posts here sounds interesting, maybe even effective, but probably only as one of the modes. I mean, DDR now has the 6-arrow pad and other dancing games are following suit. People cry out for harder difficulty, this is one way to give it to them. Not necessarily hexagon style, but the fact that FFR already supports 3-4 arrows at once takes advantage that one has 10 fingers and only 2 feet. This should be taken advantage of.
The miss system, if we look at it from every angle, really ought to go to the 'Offbeat system.' Why? Look at it this way. I realize people want to continue to the beat of the song, so they won't mess up, and making it so hitting an arrow not on the playing field and no input would only make things easier. But to use the offbeat system, the songs themselves have the duty to beat on-beat. It's probably the best idea, since I'd rather be flowing through a song with the offbeat miss system than having random hand spasms on an offbeat song with the current miss system.
Different features to the arrows. Since I am not rather imaginative, I give the example of the hold arrows on some dancing games/sims. Modifiers, I think thats what I was trying to say. A place would be needed where people can suggest modifiers and maybe a separate table for high scores for certain modifiers, like blinking arrows or random suddens. Those could apply to all songs, rather than slowing/speeding up songs which could both hinder or help someone to play through a song. And to expand on the high score situation, The log-in names should be used as the input, because even if we made it so high-scores rewrite each other, people could just input a new name. Maybe you guys already had that in mind. But then theres the problem with different log-ins, but since I don't see that as a major problem, I'll leave that up to whatever happens in the future.
Oh yeah, and the dance pad allows for countless imaginative ideas for songs and more excitement.

Now, the chasoise grandeux, Music
I see some suggestions like "I want this song, or these should be removed!" And honestly, most people just ignore them for the most part. To summarize this situation, I will outright say that this is where the community comes in. A way to send in songs and make sure they aren't copyrighted must be in order, rather than just use 'secret songs'. The fact is, if people should find a song they like, they had better get the rights to use it and provide empirical proof that it's legal. Its not like the type of song matters, like people wanting anime songs or different genres, but don't do anything that will get FFR removed for good. Now that you have the rights, make sure the arrows are on-beat or whatnot.
Maybe there could be an in-game mode where you can test other players .dwi files or if Remix should have .ffr files(which i think it should) instead of a forum where you just send them by e-mail. To keep things legal, the players would have to download the song themselves, but this makes things much more fun.

I have to do homework; I hope someone at leasts tries to read over this.
Thanks, ~
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