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Old 08-20-2012, 01:21 PM   #15
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
Great article, Reach

On that note, Reach, would it be possible for you to make a list of the foods/brands you generally eat and that which you stay away from?
I eat primarily IIFYM (if it fits your macros) right now, but my diet is relatively simple.

I avoid most processed, carb laden foods. I eat grains minimally and only whole grains. Enriched breads and things like that are a nono. I avoid all artificial sweets and candies, anything with sweeteners and such in them really.

I try to eat out no more than once a week. At that point I don't worry about what I'm eating, but do try to estimate caloric intake. I'll also often use this as an opportunity to fast heavily before the meal. Whenever possible I shoot for healthier options on the menu though; e.g. if I'm doing fast food I always get a grilled chicken sandwich if it's optional, order with water and no fries.

I don't drink anything other than water and milk. Diet soda maybe once in awhile.

What I do eat:


Fruits; Bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, pears and peppers make up the bulk here. I'd say I eat 3-4 of these every day.

Vegetables: Broccoli is king here because of the rich micronutrient profile, but I also eat carrots, cauliflower and celery. Try to eat at least a sizable serving of one of these a day.

Milk: 0.5-0.75 L a day, skim or 1%.

Whole grains: not much, but here and there. I do like brown rice, grain bread to go with eggs or on sandwiches.

Occasionally I have salad as another carb source.

Proteins: Chicken, Turkey, Lean beef, steak make up the bulk of where I get my protein, but I also eat a lot of eggs at least once a week. Occasionally I eat fishes (tuna, talapia, salmon) and misc crustaceans (lobster, crab, shrimp, mussels) when I can afford it. I do different styles with these, e.g. chicken + salad, chicken fajitas, chicken sandwiches, whole grain hamburgers, whole grain tacos, etc etc.

Fats: Minimal. I usually eat fat free cottage cheese and cut most of the fat off of my meats, but whenever I do get fats in my diet I don't really worry about it and just eat them!

Cheats: My primary cheat is ice cream. I don't really cheat on anything else other than when I eat out, in which case I'll often indulge in whole grain pastas.

I typically eat all of my food in two or three meals between 10 and 5. Possibilities are pre workout, post workout and dinner basically, or lunch + dinner if no workout. Post and dinner are always my largest meals to prevent hunger in the evening. I'm never hungry in the mornings; actually, I'm starting to think that eating an early breakfast just ends up making you hungrier. I don't have anything to back that up other than personal experience and talking to other people about this issue.

I eat around 2000 cal a day on rest days and about 3000 on workout days right now. When I was cutting I was eating about 1700 on rest days and 2200 on workout days.

I've been incredibly successful with this when losing weight and improving health. Blood test results improved dramatically, and I lost a ton of weight while maintaining muscle. I'm bulking now using pretty much this same plan, though about 3 weeks in it seems to be successful. I've gained weight but caliper readings show no increase in body fat % (seems to be down marginally, actually).

Last edited by Reach; 08-20-2012 at 01:36 PM..
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