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Old 08-13-2012, 02:40 PM   #95
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by SCWolf View Post
yo man im awesome, iironiic

To both of you, sounds like you're like me. I started off at 120lbs 5'8, eating about 2800 calories a day and doing Greyskull LP. It will help you put on size and strength. Really good program for people like us. After about 2 months, I switched to a more body building oriented program but kept the progression of Grey Skull on the major lifts (Overhead press, Bench press, Squat).

So basically, aim for about 100g protein a day, 350g carbs. In order to build muscle, your body needs .6g protein per every 1lb you weigh. I just put 100 because it's a good number to aim for. If you're eating meat daily like I do, chances are it will go over. This isn't bad, it just won't benefit you really. If you're on steroids, the more protein the better, but if you're natural, your body can really only synthesize so much. Carbs are high because eat a lot of carbs. 2800 calories to start off with, if you feel you need to up the calories, move up in increments of 100 until you find that sweet spot. Don't over eat, you will get fat. Fat doesn't speed up muscle gain, it just makes cutting harder. Keeping track of fat is just as you would think it would be. Just look in the mirror, grab, etc.

Just google Grey Skull LP, you should be able to find it. It's good for people with a small frame and light weight such as myself because it's more slow progressing and has a variety of exercises. Starting strength is also great, but it's quicker progression.

That's just what I did though. It may be considered wrong to some, but it got me where I am now, so I'm not complaining.

EDIT: If you want to, pick up some Whey/Casein protein. The difference between the two is; Whey is fast release, Casein is slow release. I prefer Whey for my diet.
I actually hit 1 gram per LBM of protein, and most people say to build muscle you need to do 1.25/1.5. Your body can synthesize something like 50-60 grams a meal if you space it out, so I tend to do 40 grams a meal with 5 meals a day. I used to try to do the 6 meals a day thing but its really difficult with changing schedules, etc.

Another good thing you could do is a 5/3/1 style format. Most of my friends do something like that, and elite powerlifters do it as well. Get strong, and the muscle will follow.
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