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Old 08-13-2012, 03:58 AM   #13
The FFRchiver
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Default Re: is there any way to change the standalone options?

I used to have issues with this sort of thing, and I have the solution to the problem. You are going to need one program called AutoHotKey in order for this to work.

Once installed, copy this code I made and save it as an .ahk file:
#MaxThreadsBuffer ON
SetNumlockState AlwaysOn
^up::Send {up}
^down::Send {down}
^left::Send {left}
^right::Send {right} 
^q::Send {q}
^w::Send {w}
^e::Send {e}
^r::Send {r}
^t::Send {t}
^y::Send {y}
^u::Send {u}
^i::Send {i}
^o::Send {o}
^p::Send {p}
^a::Send {a}
^s::Send {s}
^d::Send {d}
^f::Send {f}
^g::Send {g}
^h::Send {h}
^j::Send {j}
^k::Send {k}
^l::Send {l}
^z::Send {z}
^x::Send {x}
^c::Send {c}
^v::Send {v}
^b::Send {b}
^n::Send {n}
^m::Send {m}
!up::Send {up}
!down::Send {down}
!left::Send {left}
!right::Send {right}
!q::Send {q}
!w::Send {w}
!e::Send {e}
!r::Send {r}
!t::Send {t}
!y::Send {y}
!u::Send {u}
!i::Send {i}
!o::Send {o}
!p::Send {p}
!a::Send {a}
!s::Send {s}
!d::Send {d}
!f::Send {f}
!g::Send {g}
!h::Send {h}
!j::Send {j}
!k::Send {k}
!l::Send {l}
!z::Send {z}
!x::Send {x}
!c::Send {c}
!v::Send {v}
!b::Send {b}
!n::Send {n}
!m::Send {m}
!space::send {1}
^!q::Send {q}
^!w::Send {w}
^!e::Send {e}
^!r::Send {r}
^!t::Send {t}
^!y::Send {y}
^!u::Send {u}
^!i::Send {i}
^!o::Send {o}
^!p::Send {p}
^!a::Send {a}
^!s::Send {s}
^!d::Send {d}
^!f::Send {f}
^!g::Send {g}
^!h::Send {h}
^!j::Send {j}
^!k::Send {k}
^!l::Send {l}
^!z::Send {z}
^!x::Send {x}
^!c::Send {c}
^!v::Send {v}
^!b::Send {b}
^!n::Send {n}
^!m::Send {m}
LWin::Send {1}
RWin::Send {2}
AppsKey::Send {NumpadDiv}
Numpad7::Run SnippingTool
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 20
Drag the ahk file into AutoHotKey.exe and your problem should be fixed! Essentially what this file does is null ANY control + key, alt + key, or control + alt + key combinations (instead making the result only the key you wanted by itself). This also negates the use of your windows keys (as well as any possible shortcut action imaginable) so be sure to close AHK on your taskbar when you are finished playing FFR.

Bonus: if you have Windows 7 32bit, pressing 7 on the number pad will launch the snipping tool for screenshots. It doesn't want to work on my 64bit for some odd reason.

I hope this helps you!
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