Thread: FFR Suggestions
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:41 PM   #1817
stepmania archaeologist
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Default Re: FFR Suggestions

Here's one: raw score dashboard for future official tournaments.

That's right, raw score. With a dashboard system it would be very easy to track raw scores - just modify the code that records a score to the dashboard (I am 100% sure I could implement this if I had the code, btw). The tournament would then run off raw score, which (as we have seen in unofficial tourns) makes people try harder, especially on files that are tough to hit or combo. In fact, someone who can't FC one part of a song but still has the skill to compete with other players has a chance of getting through the round. Note that normal score recording would still be done with combo, so the level ranks wouldn't reflect the tournament ranking - and why do they need to, after all?.

Also, and this is a completely separate suggestion from a friend, we could start off the first division with a pretty hard song (on the level of one of the last few rounds). Just like the Brutality tournaments it will make sure that raw playing ability is factored in rather than just PA. Also, and this is pretty useful, it would help eliminate sandbaggers - if someone gets an amazingly good score on that first hard song, they probably need to be pushed up a division, unless they're in D6, in which case they are awesome.
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