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Old 08-8-2012, 09:55 PM   #671
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Default Re: The Unofficial FFR RPG [Beta]

I made more exp today than I did from 2 rounds of that last event, which seems balanced for my level(25) but unimaginably steep for 50+'s. I'd say more levels and easier exp, I know from my experience in games like Call of duty, and Maplestory (Both have leveling systems shut the hell up about comparing them) I loved call of duty for being able to get to 50 65 70 80 w.e and then going back, and it was more than feasible to get 10 levels or in the higher stages 1-2 levels per day. I loved maplestory for the fact that there were 200 levels and a pissload of classes, meaning in the early stages of each of my 16 or so characters, I was leveling up considerably fast, I had immense fun with that to the point where it kept me hooked to the point where after 8 years I was the community manager over the #2 Private server and prior to that head GM on the #1 private server (Having turned down Administrative positions available to me in each case) Leveling fast = more gameplay.

Where I am right now I don't even think I'd conceivably have the patience to go for level 26... 9% today took me a good 3 1/2 hours, and I simply wont have that time. More levels faster will excite people more and more and a drop off as all leveling system needs is a given, as well there is only 1 class here, The stepman, very little replayability imo.

perhaps if I may propose an idea, raise to 200, or even 500, and in the 500 case leave Jerry with the formula around 375-450 still leaving a considerable gap for him, but vastly increasing the leveling speed of others on a grander scale, faster numbers increasing = stimulation = more enjoyment.

Edit note: I'm thinking on a plane of using this as a basis for something more official or something people come on heresay and want to get into it and population growth comes from this awesomesauce leveling system that rewards you with flashy badges. Lrn2pixelcrack.
Someone make me a cool siggy?

Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
Like, grind2 feels like what would happen if Dead and Direct had sex with Frictional Nevada and had a sick, warped lovechild on crack, and then that child took an epic dump on your lawn. That dump = grind2
Second Place in D4 of Popsicle_3000's Christmas Spectacular GG Megamon

Last edited by prefx; 08-8-2012 at 09:58 PM..
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