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Old 08-7-2012, 04:37 AM   #4619
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 11
Default Re: League of Legends

noob ur doing it wrong
i thought of a gr8 idea

passive: depending on order of skills cast (QWER) the champ will change form (kinda like invoker sorta maybe) - diff forms will have additional passives over passives attached to skills

q: fire form - autoattacks do ignite damage/true dmg over time, form gives passive ad or ap and a temp boost in dmg
w: water form - aa applies slow, silences targeting for X seconds every X seconds, form gives boost to next spell (150%) and activating this can pull a target like a hook
e: earth form - aa gives additional lifesteal, form gives passive mr/armor and a temp shield
r: wind form - aa knocks up an enemy with a tornado, can occur once every X seconds, form gives passive movespeed and a temp aspd boost

every 2 spells your R becomes a different spell
Q+W ???
Q+E ???
Q+R ???
W+E ???
W+R ???
E+R ???

i want an invoker like champ for league so badly
we need higher skill cap champs
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