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Old 07-5-2012, 07:01 PM   #738
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Default Re: 7th Official FFR Tournament

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
I don't know what's been going in this thread, but I would really like to take the time to apologize to each and every one of you guys waiting for placements. These past two weeks have been extremely busy and I simply could not finish placements in time. I told Jae to remove me from the duties and I just gave him what I have. With my first semester of college coming around the corner, and our car pretty much killing itself (bad piston = engine is pretty much about to blow), Kayla and I have been extremely busy with other things trying to make ends meet.

Also, for those of you know might think I'm making things up because of all of the ITG things I've been posting, it's because the machine is at Kayla's mom's house and we've been going there frequently for numerous reasons. Again - I'm really sorry, and I mean this as sincerely as possible. I know I've been rude to some people on this site for no real discernible reason but this was the last thing I wanted to put a hold on.

EDIT: also, I know word has been going around about me being a bit mean/rude to Zekramcross - I'd like to address Zekramcross, and justin_ator (since he was the one who voiced some slight anger about it); I wasn't in any place to do it because he did more work than I did. I was just worried about experience in placement, and with people hoping for the tournament to run as smoothly as possible, I didn't want to potentially be part of some issues that weren't my fault. In any event, I'm apologizing to both of you guys.

This makes me sad, cause we were really on point with most of the placements we had down. But in any event, I hope everything irl goes well for ya. <3

Originally Posted by t-rogdor View Post
hey buddy are you looking for a good song to step because if so i really recommend you step In Front Of A Bus
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