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Old 06-26-2012, 11:33 PM   #15
Cold Kitten
i love (purple things)
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Default Re: lets get to know the FFR community~

- First off could you introduce yourself? let everyone know your first name, age, and the city/state/country that you live in?

Tiffany. 16. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.

- What does a typical day for you consist of?

Lots of computer time, ice skating, reading, TV, friends, etc. Normal teenage stuff. :P

- Video games aside, do you have any hobbies? play any instruments?

Uh. Ice skating. xD Been doing it for 11 years. And I sing a little bit. I used to play the violin in elementary school. I'd like to get into that again. I'd also like to learn to play guitar and the piano as well.

- How long have you been playing FFR/stepmania, and how often do you play in a week?

Oh goodness. Almost 5 years of FFR and SM. Up until recently, I hadn't really played.. well, at all. For, like, 6 months. But I've been playing every day for the past couple weeks.

- Could you let everyone know what settings you use for FFR/stepmania? (engine, keys, speed mod, up/downscroll ect.)

I use the R^2 engine. Current key setup is XC;', speedmod is 2.27, and upscroll.

- Do you have any warmup routines, or have any silly/odd way of warming up before you play?

Uh. Basically. I play SM for about half an hour, generally songs that hard for me. And fast songs. Then I switch to FFR, play a few easy songs and then play whatever I was planning to for the day.

- What are some of your notable FFR/SM achievements you have accomplished that you are most proud of?

I've FC'd a few FMOs. With some very good scores, for me at least. That's about it.

- Do you have any personal FFR/SM goals you have set for yourself?

Basically, to just get better. As long as I'm improving, I'm pretty happy with myself.
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