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Old 06-24-2012, 08:23 AM   #249
FFR Player
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Default Re: FFR Community Pack Summer 2012 Released

reviews part 1
reviews part 2

the fun continues...

Meteralice - yeah this is totally alright. just lacks expression and misses a lot of the song's little flourishes (though it's kinda...weighty). it's competently stepped but never really rises above decent

Minus 3 - kinda enjoyed the beats in Oni, but the jacks really don't emphasize the right stuff. very ineffective use. same issue with Heavy...the rhythms of the steps are at total odds with what's actually building up in the song.

Miracle Rush - Yume's been the go-to guy for anime simfiles nowadays, and this is another solid entry. not sure if the teal freezes are completely accurate, and mines get a bit overbearing at times. that's about it though, fun file

Monster - something about this file I couldn't quite put my finger on until that brilliant freeze section at the very end: so chill, elegant, full of texture and flow. this is an awkward file at times, but it's carried with such a sense of grace that I really can't fault it too much. great, expressive file.

Neurotoxin - first Star Trail and now this. LongGone is on his way to becoming one of my favorite stepartists. beautifully crafted file; whoever made the comparison to ODIpack2's Nightmare hit the nail on the head. deft patterns and rhythms but navigated with a sense of melodic richness and bombastic technique that seriously feels like I'm not just playing this song but playing this song, y'know what I mean but seriously this is a good file y'all and everybody should play it peace out I have a 4-page report due tomorrow but fuc that shit when I can be playing ~STEPMANIA~

Seiken Densutku - since Wine asked me, Heavy was much more fun

Thunderbolt - something that's difficult is to reconcile the two facts that 1)there is no right way to step anything but that 2)some ways may be more effective/appropriate than others. this is a song that's just begging for people to do insane stuff with it: it's high-octane and has a bunch of wicked effects to work with. this is throughout a well-stepped file, but the thing is it's not very engaging. there are some creative spurts, mostly with mines, but the pattern usage here is kinda rudimentary and doesn't really reflect the song's intensity very well. scoring files are an art of their own, but this misses the mark by a fair distance. personally, I think just having amped up the difficulty a bit more would have gotten the blood pumping a lot quicker.

that said, it is a very nice intermediate chart, excluding the trickier minework.

Giga Break - ending was quite fun. comforting chart if not as wild as I would have liked it to be.

Emotional Skyscraper - kinda shocked by how mindless this file was. part of that's the song, but this really just felt like any ol' jumpstream file.

My Unfortunate Erection - this is the best thing I have ever laid eyes on

Super Soaker - whoa at some of those long jacks. this is way harder than an 8 hahaa. very fun file, though; feels like something you would have seen in the days of Red Fraction, which definitely isn't a bad thing. freezes add a lot of life to this, and jump/hands really drive home the rhythms. jacks are maybe a wee bit intense, but minor complaint.

Voice - some of the mines were SERIOUSLY ANNOYING. great file otherwise, goes down eeeasssyyy
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